Think for a minute about your children Telephone Number List and when you started teaching them how to become the person you want to carry your name in the world after they graduate college and leave your house. It isn't when you are ready Telephone Number List to retire but when they are born and you start teaching them the values and behavior you believe, as a parent, are good for them and society.
Many of my clients have serious issues Telephone Number List accepting this fact because, as with all parents, they are sure they did everything right with their children. Their kids never took drugs, never broke the law, got a great education and are ready to be great leaders. Only twice in over 35 years have I found a business owner who told Telephone Number List me his kids were not capable of running the family business.
In both cases, we sold the business Telephone Number List when retirement was confronted and the owner and his family lived happily ever after. I have also seen several family businesses that worked through succession planning and have a great second and third generation business. My first job out of college was with an extremely Telephone Number List small mom and pop manufacturer.