Designated location, name, and volume. Only the location, but also the maximum number of items allowed on the workstation. For example, storage of goods cannot be unlimited, floor space for storage of goods must be clearly delineated, and a maximum tolerable number of shipments must be indicated. At the same time, in this way, seiton guarantees that “the first to enter will be the first to leave”. Items left in the work zone must be placed in the designated area. In other words, each item must have its own location, and vice versa, each space in the workspace must also have its destination marked.
Markings on the floor or in work zones indicate the proper locations of merchandise, equipment, tools, instruments, objects, etc. Tools, equipment, or other e commerce photo editing service objects should be placed within easy reach and should be easy to pick up and return to. Their silhouettes can for example be painted on the surface where they are supposed to be stored. This makes it easy to know when they are in use. Aisles must also be clearly marked with paint (as well as other spaces that are designated for goods in transit, etc.). The destination of the aisles is traffic, so nothing should be left there. The aisle must be completely clear so that any objects left there are highlighted,
allowing an invasion of this space to be instantly detected and corrective action to be taken. Seiso (clean) seiso means cleaning the work environment, including vehicles, equipment, and tools, as well as floors, walls, and other areas of the workplace. There is also an axiom that says: seiso means verify . For example, a worker cleaning a vehicle, piece of equipment, or a tool may discover many malfunctions. When the vehicle is covered in dirt it is difficult to identify any problem that may be occurring. However, while cleaning, an oil leak or loose nuts and bolts can be easily detected. Once these problems are recognized, they can be