Pet Business Insurance
Pet Sitter Software
With all the dog walking companies, we are fully insured by Pet Business Insurance, who are absolutely wonderful, all Pet Care Providers should use them.
The Pet Sitter Software that we use is provided by Pet Sitter Plus. They are great for dog walkers, pet sitters and clients alike. The PSP Client Portal is a convenient way for you to update your Account Information, Request and Cancel Services. You can see what time your dog was collected and what time they were returned. You can check what walks you have had, and what you have got booked in. You can see all your previous invoices and previous payments and much more…
I have an affiliate link to the PSP on my business page, but not this one, I have it here because I think they are great. I have no affiliate link with the Pet Business Insurance, I just want you to know how grateful I am to them for their cover and being fabulous when it is needed.