Your success rate from online marketing can be greatly enhanced when you learn the art of list building. Here are 5 tips to put you on the road to a mailing list great list building exercise. 1. E-Courses E-learning courses are very useful and you can cash in on the everlasting appetite people have for information. Building a 5 to 10 parts email learning course on a topic with plenty of information should fit into this.
The e-book should however relate to the niche you have chosen. 4. Squeeze page Squeeze page serves to get the email address of prospects mailing list before they are lead to your sales page. Through this, you will be able to personalize your sales page. 5. Free give-aways In recent times, people have been using free give aways in exchange for sign ups to newsletters. This method has been successful in list building, but those who sign up for the freebies may not provide the ultimate conversion required. Fabian Tan is a well-known Internet Marketing expert and the author of the popular 45-page Report.
The e-book should however relate to the niche you have chosen. 4. Squeeze page Squeeze page serves to get the email address of prospects before they are lead to your sales page. Through this, you will be able to personalize your sales page. 5. Free give-aways In recent times, people have been using free give aways in exchange for sign ups to mailing list newsletters. This method has been successful in list building, but those who sign up for the freebies may not provide the ultimate conversion required. Fabian Tan is a well-known Internet Marketing expert and the author of the popular 45-page Report.