You can also automatically assign colors to these cells with conditional Fax Lists formatting with the first tip in this article. Create Spreadsheet dropdown list for your schedule. You can also use this option with lists to show the status of a project (for example: to do , in progress, on hold , ready) and again with Fax Lists conditional formatting the colors adjust the cells. Then you can see the status of your projects at a glance. 5. Load data from another tab Do you want to bundle data from different tabs of your spreadsheet into one sheet? Which can! Fax Lists Select the cell where you want to load the data. Type = followed by the sheet name, an exclamation mark, and the cell to be copied.
For example: =Content schedule!A1 If the name of the tab you want to Fax Lists copy from contains spaces or other non-alphanumeric symbols, use single quotes. For example: ='Planning content marketing'!B4 6. Get data from another spreadsheet Suppose, as a social media manager, you work closely Fax Lists with the marketing team, but they have their own schedule in which they keep track of their campaigns. You may also want to be able to easily see this in addition to your own planning. Or maybe you, as a content marketer, Fax Lists want to see the current sales figures of products and be able to load them from another spreadsheet.
Then you can use the importrange function. Google explains it like this: Fax Lists IMPORTRANGE("spreadsheet-url"; "range string") In the cell where you want to load the data, type =IMPORTRANGE, followed by ( Find the URL of the spreadsheet you want to use. And put that in double quotes after IMPORTRANGE(. Fax Lists Fax Lists The url usually has /edit at the end, you can omit that. End with a semicolon. Then enter the tab name of that spreadsheet and the range in double quotes. For example: “content planning!A1:A50” If you're linking the spreadsheets for the first time, you'll now see a #REF! error, wit.