AngularJS is a framework used to create dynamic web apps. The technology offers many ways to bypass front limits and is used in more and more dev projects every year. Most teams find AngularJS smooth, easy to operate, and logical compared to other leading industry list frameworks. When you decide to use Rectangle for web app development, finding a superhero team is a question. Since Angular is a trending technology, many developers are taking their resume with no industry list real experience. Let’s go over some of the things you need to keep in mind while hiring angular developers.
Be prepared to interview remote and offshore crews The world is a global village and your ideal candidate may come from another city or country. Even industry list if you did not plan to hire a remote in the first place - think about it, as more and more developers around the industry list world switch to that model. Sure, you might want to hire a local angler to work in your office. However, it may industry list take months, cost too much, and stop your project development.
Ask them about their previous projects Sure, many developers will be bound by NDAs, but they can still talk about the challenges and limitations of industry list development. Look for the problem-solving mindset. Great Angular developers only focus on knowing how to write code: they get their kick out of solving problems. If the developer is engaged with a portfolio of active and working web apps - great! Test them well and ask them what was the most difficult aspect to industry list implement. Performance is paramount - today's web apps need to be fast, and frontend errors are a huge factor.