Code Of Ethics
As a dog walker, you have a duty to look after the dogs in your care, the people you may come across and the environment. At TLC Dog Walking, we have a Code of Ethics and a Code Of Conduct that we adhere to.
Ensure to the best of their ability, the care and safety of all animals, the public, and the environment at all times. (Animals Act 1971, Dangerous Dogs Act 1991)
Abide by the Animal Welfare Act and never provide physical discipline.
Never walk any dog that shows aggressive behaviour anywhere any person or animal can be harmed and ensure the dogs that walk in a group are well socialised.
Ensure all dogs in their care are under adequate control (The dogs (NI) Order 1983, The Dogs (Amendment) Act 2011, Welfare of Dogs)
Ensure all dogs have suitable and correctly fitting equipment and are legally allowed on a walk. (Road Traffic Act 1988 , Control of Dogs Order 1992, Dangerous Dogs Act 1991)
Clean up after the animal(s) in their care and dispose properly of any waste as the local guidelines state (Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment Act 2005)
Provide adequate ventilation while travelling and fresh water.
Not leave unattended in a hot vehicle unless picking up and dropping off
Drive and park as courteously as possible and ensure the wellbeing of the passengers.
Check the dogs have clean, fresh water in their home.
Not disclose any private, personal or confidential information about clients.
Not advertise falsely any services or credentials.
Put the animals welfare before any commercial interest.
Show courtesy to fellow pet care professionals and shall not seek to discredit or undermine the reputation of other professionals or solicit clientele of said professionals.
Spreading malicious libelous and/or slanderous comments is unprofessional.
Ensure that all their team abide by the terms of the Code of Conduct and Code of Ethics.